sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010


 Science Voc. # 4

Inclined plane : A straight , slanted surface that is not moved
when it is used. I used a inclined plane to moved a box.


Screw: An inclined plane wrapped around a central bar.
A screw is a type of a inclined plane.

Wedge: One or a combination of two Inclined plane.
Two inclined plane form a wedge.

Compound machine : A combination of two or more machines.
A bicicle is an example of compound machine.

Efficiency : A ratio of the work done by a machine.
The efficiency is do by a machine.

Science Voc. # 5

Universe: Everything that exists.
We live in the universe.

Telescope: A device that collects light and makes distant object to appear
closer and larger. I buy a new telescope to the sky.

Refraction: The bending of wave as they go from one substance to another.
We can see refraction at a telescope.

Reflection: The bouncing of wave off a surface .
The reflection of the sun on a glass affect my vision.

Wavelenght: The distance from one peak to the next on a wave.
The wavelenght of 60 HZ is too short.

Frequency : The number of wave that pass through a point
in a second.   
The frequency of our electricity is 60 HZ.

Electromagnetic Spectrum: Wave of light in order by wavelenght.
The electromagnetic spectrum has many colors.

Science Voc. # 6

Rotation: A complete spin on an axis.

The rotation of the earth takes 24 h.

International Date line: The 180 line of longitud.
The Greenwich meridian is the international date line.

Standar time zone: A belt 15 wide in longitud in which all
place have the same time.
A standar time zone is a longitud.

Revolution:One complete trip around the Sun.
The revolution of the earth take 365 days.

Science Voc. # 7

Phase of the moon: the shape of the lighted part of the
moon seen from Earth at any time.
There are 8 phases of the moon.

Lunar Eclipse: A blocking of a view of the full Moon.
We cannot see a lunar eclipse.

Solar Eclipse: A blocking out of view of the Sun.
We cannot see a solar eclipse.

Tide: The regular rise and fall of the water level
along a shoreline.
We can see a lot of tide in Panama.

Science Voc. # 8

Planet: A large body orbiting a star, such as the Sun.
We live in a planet.

Solar System: A star , such as the Sun and all the
objects orbiting it.
The planets are in the solar system.

Asteroid: A rocky, metallic objects that orbits the Sun.
An asteroide is a rock.

Kepler's laws: Laws that  summarize the
movement of the plants.
The kepler's law is the law of the planets.

Science Voc. # 9

Comet: A ball of rock and ice that orbit the Sun.
I want to see a comet.

Meteoroid: A small asteriod.
Why the meteoroide are small ?

Meteor : A meteoroide that enters Earth's surface.
Why meteors enter the earth surface ?

Meteorite: Any part of a meteoroid that reaches Earth's surface.
I want to discover a meteorite.

Science Voc. # 10

Star: A large, hot ball of gases which is held together
by gravity and gives off its own light.
I want to see a lot of stars.

Parallax: The apparent shift in an object's location
when viewed from two position.

Many objects in the sky are discover with the parallax method.

Light Year: The distance light travels in a year.
We can see a light year in a year.

Constellation: A number of  star that appears to form a pattern.
The name of our constellation is Via Lactea.

Magnitude: The brightness of a star.
The star have magnitude to form a constellation.

Nebula: A cloud of gas and dust in space.
The nebula is a cloud i the space.

Supernova: A star that explodes.
Everyday occures a supernova in the space.

Black Hole: An object whose gravity is so strong
that light cannot escape it.
The center of the universe is a black hole.

Science Voc. # 11

Galaxy: A large group of stars held together by gravity.
In the sky are many galaxies.

Milky Way: Our home galaxy.
Our galaxy home is name Milky Way Galaxy.

Spectrum: A band of colors made when white light is broken up.
Without the spectrum we cannot see TV.

Expansion Redshift: The shift of a spectrum of a galaxy toward longer wavelengths due expansion of space
The expansion reshift is used to measure the speed galaxies move away from us.
 Big bang: is the beguining of the universe, when the density of the universe was very high.
The big bang was a great explotion.

Background radiation; Elecromagnetic radiation left over from the big bang.
The background radiation still afecting the universe.

Quasar: An extremely brigth, distant and high energy source.
Quasars are brigther than trillions of suns.

Vocabulary #12
Crust: Earth´s solid rocky surface containing the continents and the ocean floor.
The crust movements produce earthquakes.

Original horizontality: The idea that many kinds of rocks form in flat, horizontal layers.
The original horizontality of rock layers is not a permanent aragement.

Sea floor spreading: The idea that sew crust is forming at ridges in the sea floo, spreading apart the crust on  either side of the ridge.
The movement of the continents is due to the sea floor spreading.

Magma: Hot molten rock below earth´s surface.
Sometimes magma comes out to the surface and is called lava.

Plate tectonics: the idea that earth´s surface is broken into pieces that move.
The plate tectonics is like apuzle of the earth´s crust.

Mantle: Earth´s layer beneath the crust.
The crust is floating over the mantle.

Subduction: where plates colides, the slider of a denser ocean plate under another.
The subdiction takes material of the crust into the mantle.

Vocabulary #13
Fault: A huge crack in the crust, at or below the surface.
The San Andres fault is a great one in the United States.

Focus: The point where an earthquake starts, where rocks beguin to slide past each other.
The focus was located 3 miles under the epicenter.

Epicenter: the point on earth rigth above the focus.
The city is locates 2 miles north of the epicenter.

Seismic wave: A vibration that spread out away from the focus of an earthquake.
The seismic wave was felt 450 miles away the epicenter.

Aftershock: the shaking of the crust after the initial shaking of an earthquake.
The aftershock was strongest than the initial shake.

Seismograph: a sensitive device that detects the shaking of the crust.
Seismographs are used by scientists for geologyc research.

Magnitude: the amount of energy released by an earthquake.
The magnitud scale for earthquakes is the Richter scale.

Vocabulary #14
Hot spot: a very hot part of the mantle, where magma can melt through a plate moving above it.
A hot spot can produce a volcanic eruption.

Vent: a central opening in a volcanic area through which magma may escape.
Lava comes out by the vents.

Lava: Magma that reaches Earth´s surface.
Hot lava burns everything as it flows.

Crater: a cuplike hollow that forms at the top of a volcano around the vent.
Craters can be very deep.

Cinder-cone volcano: a streep-sided cone that forms from explosive eruptions of hot rocks ranging from particles to boulders.
Most volcanos have cinder cones.

Shield volcano: a wide, gently sloped cone that forms from flows of lava.
Hawaii island are formed by shield volcanos.

Composite volcano: a cone formed from explosive eruptions of hot rocks followed by a flow of lava over and over.
Layers of material form composite volcanos.

Geothermal energy: heat from below Earth´s surface.
We can use geothermal energy to produce electric energy.